Command database overview

Name Description OS
mkdocs serveStarts mkdos webserver with mkdocs.yml configurationLinux
mkdocs gh-deployAutomaticaly uploads mkdocs to githubLinux
docker psShow running containersLinux
docker pull [name of image]Download docker imageLinux
docker run -d -t --name [name of container] [name of image]Make container with specific name with imageLinux
docker exec -it [container name] bashEnter to the container with bashLinux
docker rm -f [container name]Delete containerLinux
docker stop [container name]Stop containerLinux
docker start [container name]Starts specific containerLinux
docker ps -aShows all containersLinux
docker ps --sizeShow all containers with their sizesLinux
sudo docker image lsShow all downloaded imagesLinux
pyinstaller [name of python file] --noconsole --onefileMakes executable file from python file.MacOS
pyinstaller --noconsole --onefileMakes executable file from python file.Linux
whois [domain]get all informations about the domainLinux
git gc && git count-objects -vHGet all statics from git repository on your computerMacOS
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